Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition

WCOY *Online & In-person combined*
  • Entry option
  • Participation details

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all the rules and regulations included on this page.

Choir details

Number of choir members (excluding conductor):

Repertoire Details - Virtual Choral Trail (video submission)

Please include all relevant information.

Repertoire Details - In-person Competition

Please include all relevant information.

The order of performance cannot be changed.

Three certified/licensed legal copies of each work are required. Scores must be forwarded by post by the competition closing date to: 
Cork International Choral Festival, Civic Trust House, 50 Pope's Quay, Cork, Ireland

Piece 1
Piece 2

Choir biography
Choir photo (optional)

Choral Gatherings

Enhance your festival experience by participating in the Choral Trail (informal performances in city centre venues), the Sacred Trail (performance at mass over the Festival weekend) and Afternoons in the Atrium in the Clayton Hotel on Saturday and Sunday.

If you would like to be considered for participation in any of these events, please indicate below:

Please include your repertoire details for the Afternoons in the Atrium (each choir can perform up to 3 songs for tot. max 9 minutes of actual singing).

Piece 1
Piece 2
Piece 3

Please confirm:


Newsletter signup (optional)
