Join us in City Hall on the Sunday afternoon of the festival, and hear your favourite songs performed by outstanding Irish choirs as they compete in the National Competition for Light, Jazz & Popular music.
Конкурс за лека, джаз и популярна музика
Dynamics Vocal Ensemble (Wicklow)
Voices of the Boyne (Louth)
Баронски хор (Корк)
Forte Women’s Choir (Cork)
Хорова група Гори (Уексфорд)
Belle Harmonics (Дъблин)
Harmony Federation (Cork)
Калиопа (Корк)
Millicent Singers (Kildare)
Sunday Morning Singers (Tipperary)
Douglas Harmonia Singers (Корк)
The Kill Singers (Kildare)
Union Choir (Cork)
Viva Voce Choir (Cork)
The Wilcollane Singers (Cork)
The Polyphonics (Cork)
гост спектакъл
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