International Choral Conducting Course: 2025 Tutors announced!

Conductors are being encouraged to sign up for the 2025 International Choral Conducting Course as part of the Cork International…

Микела Дел Тин
17 септември 2024

Conductors are being encouraged to sign up for the 2025 International Choral Conducting Course as part of the Cork International Choral Festival

Now in its fourth year, the three-and-a-half day, intensive, hands-on course runs from Tuesday 29th April - Friday 2nd May 2025 and will offer a range of techniques to develop conducting skills under the leadership of expert international guest tutors Anna Fűri (Унгария) и Shane Lynch (USA).

Курсът, който се провежда в град Корк, ще се фокусира върху основните диригентски умения като физически жестове, добро слушане, подробности за репертоара, репетиционни техники, управление на ансамбъла и лидерство. Ще бъдат обхванати и други ключови области на развиване на диригентски умения, включително генериране на нови идеи за репертоар, както и уроци по пеене с фокус върху вокалното здраве и подпомагането на себе си и другите.

Кулминацията на всички тези умения ще бъде показана на ансамбъл семинар на последната сутрин с Камерен хор Ирландия - Водещият хоров ансамбъл на Ирландия. Това ще бъде публично събитие.

The course is designed for anyone with experience in leading choirs of all kinds and is interested in taking their theory and practical skills to a new level while networking with other conductors. It will help conductors to guide their choirs, tempo, sound and expression. We are honoured to be joined this year by two world-renowned conductors whose vast experience will provide a unique learning experience for participants.

The cost is €295 per person, with a discount rate being offered to conductors of 2025 participating choirs. The rate includes tea/coffee breaks but does not cover main meals or accommodation. In order to create a bespoke experience for all participants, limited places will be available. More information and registration form are available тукRegistration closes on 7th February 2025.

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