Festivalová místa

Kategorie místa konání

Kategorie místa konání
  • Mezinárodní soutěžní sbory (24)
  • Sborová stezka (22)
  • Mezinárodní nesoutěžní sbory (21)
  • Sacred & Interchange Trail (18)
  • Okrajový koncert (10)
  • Koncert přátelství (8)
  • Vzdělání (4)
  • Národní soutěžní sbory (4)
  • Galakoncert (2)
  • Národní soutěže (2)

Kategorie místa konání

Kategorie místa konání
  • Mezinárodní soutěžní sbory (24)
  • Sborová stezka (22)
  • Mezinárodní nesoutěžní sbory (21)
  • Sacred & Interchange Trail (18)
  • Okrajový koncert (10)
  • Koncert přátelství (8)
  • Vzdělání (4)
  • Národní soutěžní sbory (4)
  • Galakoncert (2)
  • Národní soutěže (2)

Ballincolligova knihovna

Ballincollig Library offers a wide range of books for lending to adults and children, including large print books, books on tape and CDs. A selection of general reference books, such as encyclopaedias and dictionaries, is also available.
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Bishopstown knihovna

Bishopstown Library is the newest and the largest of the six local public libraries in the city. Housed in a modern and spacious building, making extensive use of natural light, it incorporates the best features of modern library design. The Library is located in the…
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Knihovna Blackpool

Blackpool Library opened on 15th April 2010 and is situated on the second, and third floors of the premises on Redforge Road. These premises are situated between Blackpool Shopping Centre and the Marian Shrine in Blackpool. The library offers a whole floor of children’s services,…
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Hrad Blarney

Postaven před téměř šesti sty lety jedním z největších irských náčelníků Cormac MacCarthy a od té doby přitahuje pozornost. Během posledních několika set let se do Blarney shromáždily miliony lidí, což z něj udělalo světovou dominantu a jeden z největších pokladů Irska.
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Bunscoil Rinn an Chabhlaigh

In Bunscoil Rinn an Chabhlaigh we strive to create an inclusive child-centred environment where each individual can learn and develop to their full potential.Underpinning our holistic approach to life and education in a Catholic school is our school motto – ‘Mo Chumas Abú – Be…
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Carrigtwohill Community College

Carrigtwohill Community College is a community of learning and teaching where all members have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to reach their potential, where talents are nurtured, and positive relationships fostered through mutual respect.
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Cathedral of St Mary & St Anne (North Cathedral)

Katolická katedrála Panny Marie a sv. Anny je „mateřským kostelem diecézí Cork a Ross“ a byla zasvěcena v roce 1808 (stavba začala v roce 1799). Je to čtvrtý kostel této farnosti minimálně od roku 1306. Stavba…
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Ústřední knihovna, Cork City

The City Library on the Grand Parade is home to Cork City Libraries’ largest collections of books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs and other materials for adults and children. The City Library delivers a library service through five public-service departments: Adult Lending; Children's and Teens' Library; Reference;…
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Christ Church, Cobh

Christ Church byl postaven v období 1866/67, kdy byla okolní čtvrť zformována do nové farnosti, oddělené od původní farnosti Great Island, tehdy známé jako Clonmel. Prvním držitelem (1866-1899) byl reverend Canon Richard Loane a v roce 1903 je zaznamenán…
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Kostel Krista, našeho světla, Ballincollig

Built in 1984, the design, clearly defines the main worship area, sheltered under one roof. The secondary functions of the church are gathered round the central space, with open glazed areas on all four sides to suggest the light of Christ emanating and extending outwards.…
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Church of Our Lady and St John, Carrigaline

The first sod of the new site for the Church of Our Lady and St John was blessed and turned on the Feast of the Annunciation in March 1955 by the Bishop of Cork, Most Rev. Dr. Lucey. The Church of Our Lady and St…
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Church of St Mary & St John, Ballincollig

Prior to 1808, Catholic families living in the Ballincollig area had to travel to Clash Cross in Carriganarra, Ballinora or Kilnaglory to attend Mass. With the advent of the Powder mills, and the employment they created, the population increased to such an extent that it…
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Kostel Zvěstování, Blackpool

The Church of the Annunciation is a notable example of mid-twentieth-century ecclesiastical architecture. Designed by noted Irish sculptor and Blackpool native, Seamus Murphy, along with architect E.P. O'Flynn, it is of concrete block construction and very characteristic of its period. Built on the site of…
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Církev vtělení, Frankfield

Built in the 1970s, this church is an interesting example of the form of churches built post Vatican II. It breaks with traditional church plans and layouts, and embraces the constructional possibilities opened up by contemporary engineering and materials. It is a fine twentieth century…
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Church of the Way of the Cross, Togher

Church of the Way of the Cross is a Roman Catholic Church located in Togher on the southside of Cork City. The foundation stone was laid and blessed by Bishop Cornelius Lucey on 29th July 1971 and the church opened on 29th July 1972.
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Hotel Clayton

Náš preferovaný hotel v Corku je 4hvězdičkový hotel Clayton, který se nachází naproti radnici (naše hlavní místo konání) a jen dvě minuty chůze do centra města.
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Cobh Band Stand (promenáda)

The magestic Cobh Bandstand sits at the heart of the Promenade in JFK Park. Arriving at the Town Centre, it’s easy to notice the Bandstand is in in the middle of many attractions and activities in Cobh. It is a walk away to restaurants, pubs, shops and…
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Cobh Hospital

Cobh Community Hospital is rooted in a deep heritage of high standards of care for the older person. The Hospital aims to act as an advocate to the older person. They will work in partnership with the resident to meet their physical, psychological, social, emotional…
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radnice v Corku

Festivalové akce a představení se soustředí kolem Cork's City Hall, kapacita 1000; jedno z nejatraktivnějších a akusticky nejlepších míst v Irsku.
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Curtis Auditorium

MTU Cork School of Music Opened in September 2007, the CIT Cork School of Music is a landmark Music School. It’s 400 seater Curtis Auditorium is supplemented by several smaller performing spaces and the Offquay Bistro provides a relaxing place to sit and eat prior…
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Douglasova knihovna

Founded in 1976. From the time of the opening of Douglas Library, the total number of issues of books from the suburban libraries has consistently exceeded that of the Central Library, illustrating how important the network of local libraries is to the people of the…
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Fota dům a zahrady

Dnes je Fota House jedním z největších irských domů, domovem celonárodně významné sbírky obrazů, krásně zrestaurovaného arboreta a zahrad a oceněného dobrovolnického programu.
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Gaelscoil Ui Riada

Gaelscoil Uí Riada was founded in 1984 to give parents the opportunity to provide their children with an all-Irish primary education, so that they would have a unique understanding of their own culture and language and be bilingual.
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Glanmire Community College

Glanmire Community College strives to be a happy, safe, caring and inclusive Christian community that promotes quality teaching and learning in an environment of mutual respect.
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Knihovna Glanmire

On 31 May 2019, a further expantiton when the boundary revision of Cork City brought Ballincollig, Blarney and Glanmire Libraries into the city fold.
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Griffith College, Cork

The venue is the deconsecrated Chapel at Griffith College, Cork, commissioned by Isabella Honan in 1908.It was the former Marymount Hospice Church.It is currently the venue for the Fever Up Candlelight Concerts and has hosted numerous charity concerts in the past 10 years since Griffith…
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Knihovna Hollyhill

Hollyhill Library has been serving the north west ward since 1980. The new purpose-built library was officially opened in 2015.
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Killavullen N.S.

Killavullen National School was established in 1907 as a Co-Educational Catholic School, located in the heart of the picturesque village of Killavullen, through which the river Blackwater meanders. The original school building has stood the test of time very well and continues to serve the village more…
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Lapp's Quay, Cork

Lapps Quay is a classic example of a disused and crumbling site which was completely renovated in the 1990s and is now the showpiece of the Cork Docks area. It exudes new money & confidence and has a Continental feel, with its glass fronted 4…
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Galerie Lavit

Cork Arts Society (od roku 1963), obchodující pod názvem Lavit Gallery, je nezisková umělecká organizace, registrovaná charitativní organizace (CHY 13297) a CLG, která se věnuje podpoře ocenění umění v Cork City prostřednictvím poskytování galerijního prostoru, ve kterém umělci mohou vystavovat svá umělecká díla za…
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Marina Market

Marina Market je krytý potravinářský sál a víceúčelové místo v blízkosti centra Corku v Irsku. Dříve skladiště bylo přestavěno a poté otevřeno pro veřejnost v září 2020 během pandemie COVID-19, aby nabídlo stravovací služby komunitě v…
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Knihovna Mayfield

Mayfield Library, situated near Montenotte on the Old Youghal Road, serves the people of the north-east suburb of Cork city and its surrounding area. When it opened to the public in November 1984, this was the fifth local library branch. The Mayfield Library is officially…
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Millenium Hall

A part of the Cork City Hall. Opened in 2001, this venue is an award winning architectural feat, designed to compliment and contribute to a classical building through its sleek and functional design. This can be used in conjunction with the Concert Hall for large scale…
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MTU Cork School of Music, Cork

Cork School of Music byla založena v roce 1878 a byla první městskou hudební školou, která byla založena v Irsku a Spojeném království. Hudební život Irska je bohatý a rozmanitý a nikde jinde než v Corku. Zaměstnanci a studenti…
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Místo Nano Nagle

Nano Nagle Place je nečekaná oáza v centru rušného Cork City, místo, které oslavuje vizi společnosti Nano Nagle o posílení postavení prostřednictvím vzdělávání, začlenění do komunity a duchovní angažovanosti pro současný svět. V komplexu se nachází oceněné muzeum, obnovené historické budovy, obezděné zahrady,…
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Na prasečí hřbet, Douglasi

Established in 1992 by Isabelle Sheridan selling Farmhouse Cheeses, Charcuterie, Fresh Breads, Irish Artisan Food, and French Gourmet Food Specialities in The English Market, in Cork City.  On The Pig's Back produces award-winning Pâté and Terrines. Check out our full list of awards and prizes…
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Scoil Mhuire Ballincollig

Nestled at the heart of our vibrant community, Scoil Mhuire is a place where curiosity is kindled, and lifelong learning begins. The school is a tapestry of diverse cultures, rich traditions, and innovative teaching, dedicated to nurturing the potential within each child.
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Centrum umění Sirius

Sirius Arts Centre in Cobh, County Cork facilitates the production and presentation of, and public engagement with, art and knowledge, and offers professional development opportunities to artists through commissions and residencies. It operates across all art forms, programming a mix of exhibitions, performances, events, activities,…
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Ss Peter & Paul Church, Paul Street

In Ss Peter and Paul's Place, just off Saint Patrick's Street, is the church of Saints Peter and Paul. This is the parish church of the parish of Saints Peter and Paul. Architecturally, it is one of the finest churches in the city. The foundation…
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St Anne’s Church, Shandon

Kostel sv. Anny, postavený v roce 1722, je jedním z nejvýznamnějších kostelů počátku 18. století v Irsku. Ve výšce 50 metrů nad okolní čtvrtí Shandon mohou návštěvníci vystoupat po úzkých kamenných schodech do zvonice, na jejímž vrcholu je třímetrová zlatá ryba…
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St Colman’s Cathedral

St Colman's, postavený v neofrancouzském gotickém stylu, je katedrálním kostelem diecéze Cloyne. Známý pro své nádherné kamenné a dřevěné sochy, mozaiky a vitráže a také pro své historické varhany Telford a zvonkohru se 49 zvony.
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Kostel St Columba, Douglas

Douglas/Rochestown Parish is an extensive suburban parish stretching from Ballincurrig Park on the Douglas Road to the Rochestown Inn on the Rochestown Road with approximately 20,000 living in the area. The parish was originally joined with Ballygarvan until about 1900 when it became independent. The…
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St Fin Barre’s Cathedral

Katedrála St. Fin Barre's, která se nachází v blízkosti srdce Corku, je nejnovějším církevním místem, kde se věří, že světec v 7. století založil svou klášterní školu. Budova obsahuje více než 1260 soch a dokonce i 24librovou dělovou kouli,…
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St Finbarr's South Church

St. Finbarr's South, also known as the South Chapel, is an 18th century church in Cork in Ireland. Constructed in 1766 as the "first Catholic church built in Cork since before the Reformation", the Penal-era church was deliberately built to be relatively unimposing.[3][4] It is the oldest Catholic church still in use in…
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St James's Church of Ireland, Mallow

This is the place of worship for the congregation in Mallow. It is a Gothic style building though with a very distinctive ‘H’ shape, with a tower and steeple at one end and a large chancel at the other. It is built mainly in limestone,…
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St Joseph's Church, Glanmire

Kostel svatého Josefa ve Springhillu je farní kostel Glanmire a byl zasvěcen v roce 1837. Kostel se nachází nedaleko břehů řeky Glashaboy. Tato řeka byla v dřívějších dobách využívána jako zdroj energie pro mletí. Kostel svatého Josefa je…
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St Joseph's SMA Church, Blackrock Road

St Joseph's SMA Church is a Roman Catholic Church located on the Blackrock Road on the southside of Cork City. It is attached to the Society of African Missions (SMA) and was built in 1881. John Sisk & Sons built this church and its of…
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St Joseph's SMA Church, Wilton

The Parish includes Lower Bishopscourt, Donscourt, Cardinal Court, Wilton Court & Manor, Clashduv & Riverview Estate, Sandymount, Southbury Road, Summerstown, Green Park, Wilton Lawn & Villas, part of Glasheen Road, Wilton Park Villas, part of Bishopstown Road. St Joseph’s Church, Wilton was built in 1897.…
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Kostel svatého Lukáše

Současný kostel je atraktivní stavbou raného anglického architektonického stylu. Ve zdech jsou pozůstatky dřívějšího kostela a dobová ilustrace v sakristii ukazuje, že šlo o jednodušší a menší stavbu. Loď byla prodloužena v roce 1885 a velká…
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Kostel Panny Marie, Carrigaline

St Mary's Church is a Gothic Revival Church of Ireland (Anglican) church near Carrigaline, County Cork, Ireland. It was completed in 1824, and dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. St Mary's Church was built on the site of an earlier church dating…
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St Michael’s Church, Blackrock

Blackrock is a village and suburb contained within Cork City. It began as a small fishing village about five kilometres from Cork City but the growth of the city has meant the village became incorporated into the city. Blackrock has a rich GAA tradition and…
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Kostel svatého Patrika, Lower Glanmire Road

Saint Patrick's Catholic Church, c. 1840, designed by George. R. Paine, well maintained, little altered and retaining both interior and exterior decorative elements.
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St Patrick’s Church, Rochestown

Douglas/Rochestown Parish is an extensive suburban parish stretching from Ballincurrig Park on the Douglas Road to the Rochestown Inn on the Rochestown Road with approximately 20,000 living in the area. The parish was originally joined with Ballygarvan until about 1900 when it became independent. The…
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St Peter's N.S. Dungourney

St. Peter's National School is a Catholic, co-educational primary school located in the heart of beautiful East Cork.
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Sunday's Well Tennis Club, Cork

Sunday's Well Tennis Club is celebrating its 125th Anniversary in 2024 having been founded in 1899. The Club is Cork City's oldest and largest tennis club with 8 courts, 2 squash courts, a snooker room, and full gym facilities. Please join us on May 3rd…
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Tequila Jack's, Cork

Nachází se na živé promenádě v Lapp's Quay s výhledem na Corks lovey Lee a nabízí nejlepší mexická jídla a úžasné koktejlové menu s nejlepší margaritou ve městě!
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Hotel Commodore, Cobh

The Commodore Hotel is an integral part of the long history of Cobh. It was completed in 1854 and opened as the Queens Hotel, recorded to be the first purpose-built hotel in Ireland. The name commemorated the fact that Queen Victoria, on her first visit…
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Kaple Goldie

Krásná vysoká viktoriánská kaple v srdci Nano Nagle Place je jedním z nejintimnějších míst v Corku. Kapli navrhl architekt George Goldie v roce 1865 a zachovává si půdorys klášterní kaple se stánky rozmístěnými kolem lodi. Architektura…
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The Imperial Hotel

The luxurious Imperial Hotel is a timeless landmark in the heart of Cork City. Our boutique Cork hotel enjoys an unrivalled setting in the centre of the pedestrianised zone in Cork City. The world famous English Market and the bustling main shopping districts of Patrick…
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Knihovna Tory Top Road

Knihovna Tory Top Road Library slouží jižnímu centrálnímu oddělení od roku 1974. V roce 2005 byla veřejnosti otevřena účelová knihovna.
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