Hellig sti - søndag

Gratis adgang
Sunday 4th May, 10am
Church of St Mary & St John, Ballincollig
Sted detaljer

Dette indslag er en integreret del af festivalen, hvor kor i den internationale konkurrence synger i lokale kirker lørdag aften eller søndag morgen på festivalen.

Church of St Mary and St John, Ballincollig - 10am - Voce Chambe Choir (UK)
St Joseph's SMA Church, Blackrock Road - 10am - Kammerkoret NOVA (NORWAY)
St Joseph's Church, Glanmire - 10.30am - Sing4Joy (SWITZERLAND)
Kristi Kirke Vort Lys, Ballincollig - 11am - Chamber Choir of the Collegium Musicum
Berlin (GERMANY)
Church of the Way of the Cross - 11am - Zarautz Abesbatza (BASQUE COUNTRY,
St Columba's Church, Douglas - 11am - Musica Fusion Choir (CORK, IE)
St Finbarr's South Church - 11am - Junges Consortium Berlin (GERMANY)
St Mary's Church, Carrigaline - 11am - St. Mary Treblemakers (CANADA)
St Michael's Church, Blackrock - 11am - Stockholms Musikgymnasium Youth Choir,
2025 (SWEDEN)
St Patrick's Church, Rochestown - 11am - Coro Sinfonía (SPAIN)
Cathedral of St Mary & St Anne - 11.30am - Mount Royal Kantorei (CANADA)
Inkarnationskirken, Frankfield - 11.30am - Mixed Choir "Ventspils" (LATVIA)
St James's Church of Ireland, Mallow - 11.45am - Cân Aderyn (WALES)
Church of the Annunciation, Blackpool - 12pm - Hart Male Voice Choir (UK)
St Patrick's Church, Lower Glanmire Road - 12pm - Dynamics Vocal Ensemble (WICKLOW, IE)


Kor & gæster

Hellig sti - søndag