The All Together Choir, led by Cibele Sabioni, is a vibrant multicultural community that celebrates the joy of singing and the power of inclusivity. Our members, hailing from diverse backgrounds, find a sense of belonging and unity through music.
The All Together Choir was born in March 2021 through online meetings emerging as a beacon of resilience and adaptability during the second lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Created by Cibele Sabioni in partnership with AMBI, this innovative choir brought together singers from all over Ireland and Brazil despite never meeting in person. Initially conducted online during the COVID-19 pandemic, the choir has transitioned to in-person rehearsals, fostering a vibrant singing community and multicultural performances in Dublin.
Cibele Sabioni is a singer, dedicated music facilitator, and choral conductor with over 20 years of direct teaching and performance experience. Sabioni holds a Bachelor's in Piano Practice and a Master's in Music from UNIRIO, the Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro. 2021 to present she is developing a singing community through All Together Choir rehearsals in partnership with AMBI Ireland and Coro do Zero. Creator of the free website Choir from Scratch which offers support material for beginning choir conductors in Brazil, Cibele is interested in investigating singing voices for young and adult audiences, arousing the taste for art, belonging, and social engagement through singing on screen and in public spaces. Dublin City Council, NEIC, and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth funded her work.