Cork International Choral Festival er stolt af at være vært for den tredje udgave af International Choral Conducting Course som en del af festivalen.
Deltag i et fire-dages intensivt, praktisk kursus, hvor du vil udvikle dine dirigentfærdigheder under ledelse af vores eksperter, internationale gæstevejledere, Shane Lynch (USA) and Anna Fűri (Ungarn).
Kurset henvender sig til alle med erfaring i at lede kor af enhver art og er interesseret i at tage deres færdigheder til et nyt niveau, mens de netværker med andre dirigenter.
Anna Fűri graduated in Choral Conducting and Vocal Pedagogy from the Liszt Academy of Music in 1997 and earned a jazz singing degree in 2005. She completed her doctoral studies in 2022 and has studied with prominent conductors. Since 2019, she has taught at the Kodály Institute and leads award-winning choirs. Læs hele bio
Shane Lynch, an award-winning conductor, composer, and music educator, assumed the position Director of Choral Activities at Washington and Lee University in the Fall of 2009. He conducts the University Singers, W&L’s internationally competitive touring choir, and the Glee Club. Dr. Lynch is a sought-after clinician and guest conductor, having worked with groups throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Læs hele bio
Garnering a strong reputation for its unique approach to creative commissioning, recording and programming, Chamber Choir Ireland is the country’s flagship choral ensemble and national chamber choir under the Artistic Direction of the multi-award-winning conductor, Paul Hillier. The Choir’s programmes span from early renaissance to the present day, incorporating established choral classics with cutting-edge commissions, and a style of performance that incorporates versatility, dynamism and often vocal pyrotechnics. Læs hele bio
Clayton Hotel, Cork City
Ensembleworkshop med Chamber Choir Ireland (offentlig begivenhed)
A complete list of the repertoire selected by the tutors is published below. If you have other repertoire which you would like to work on, please send a copy to the Choral Festival Office for approval by Monday 10th March 2025. Du vil blive bedt om at medbringe flere juridiske kopier af ethvert repertoire, der er godkendt på denne måde, til kurset.
All delegates should prepare the common piece and at least one other piece for each tutor (four pieces in total) in advance of arriving and be prepared to work on them with the tutors.
De tre kategorier, som repertoiret er opdelt i, er kun vejledende, og de delegerede kan frit vælge, hvilken musik de foretrækker at dirigere.
*Note: Pieces are categorised in difficulty based on the application of conducting principles that will be worked on throughout the course, not necessarily on the technical difficulty of the work.
Focal Points for Work for the Week:
Anna Füri | Shane Lynch |
Common piece for all levels: Horváth, Márton Levente: O salutaris hostia | Common Piece for all levels: Verse 3 of “The King of Love” arr. Paul J. Christiansen (1914-1997) |
Level 1 Bartók, Béla: Ne menj el (female choir) Wilbye, John: Flora Gave Me Fairest Flower Hensel, Fanny: Morgengruss, op. 3 no. 4 Brahms, Johannes: Erlaube mir Bruckner, Anton: Locus iste 4/4 | Level 1 “Sleep” by Eric Whitacre (b. 1970) “Earth Song” by Frank Ticheli (b. 1958) “Grace Before Sleep” by Susan LaBarr (b. 1981) |
Level 2 Bridge, Frank: Music, when soft voices die Brahms, Johannes: Im Herbst Bárdos, Lajos: Libera me Orbán, György: Ave verum Schumann, Robert: Waldmädchen Szarbó, Barna: Ye heavy states of night | Level 2 “All That Hath Life and Breath Praise Ye the Lord” by René Clausen (b. 1953) “A Dream Within a Dream” by Tesfa Yohannes Wondemagegnehu (b. 1982) “Oratio Fatimae” by Shane Lynch (b. 1975) “Ubi Caritas” by Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) |
Level 3 Wolf, Hugo: Resignation Gjeilo, Ola: Unicornis captivatur Elgar, Edward: My Love Dwelt Poulenc, Francis: Timor et tremor Gyöngyösi, Levente: Te lucis ante terminum Kodály, Zoltán: Norwegian girls | Level 3 “Mother’s Song” by Jocelyn Hagen (b. 1980) “Twelfth Night” by Samuel Barber (1910-1981) “O Nata Lux” from “Lux Aeterna” by Morten Laurisden (b. 1943) |
Friday, 7th February 2025
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Modtager: Cork International Choral Festival
Bank: Allied Irish Banks plc, Patrick's Street, Cork, Irland
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9341 5105 1954 48
Kontonummer: 05195448
Sorteringskode: 93 41 51
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Shannon International Airport (ca. 120 km fra Cork) og Dublin lufthavn (ca. 220 km) tage højde for en bredere vifte af destinationer, med interne flyvninger også i drift mellem Dublin og Cork.
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Irish Rail / Iarnród Éireann leverer regelmæssige intercity-forbindelser til Kent Station, Cork fra Belfast Central, Dublin Heuston og Connolly Station, Limerick.
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Bus Éireann tilbyde en landsdækkende service til og fra Cork med Expressway/Intercity-tjenester. De tilbyder også regionale tjenester, hvis du planlægger at se noget af amtet og en Cork City-tjeneste for at komme rundt i byen, mens du er her.
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