Coro Sinfonia


Coro Sinfonía was founded in 2002 by the Patronato Municipal de Habaneras de Torrevieja and its main aim is the promotion of choral music, mainly the “Habanera” and the musical-vocal preparation of its students.

Coro Sinfonía has carried out a high level of pedagogical and choral work and it has obtained numerous awards, such as First Prize in the Choral Competitions of Totana, Candás and Villena, They also obtained the Honourable Mention from the jury and the public in the International Music Festival of Cantonigros (Spain) and in 2024 they participated in the 72nd Guido D’Arezzo Choral Competition in Italy, being the only Spanish choir selected.

Ms. Selena Cancino Escobar was born in Havana (Cuba); she studied music at the Alejandro García Caturla Conservatory and she obtained the Superior Degree in Piano with Honours at the Oscar Esplá Conservatory in Alicante (Spain).

She worked from 1994 to 2000 as assistant director and pianist of the Children's Stage Choir of the Gran Teatro de La Habana in Cuba; from 1996 to 2000 as professor of Choral Conducting at the National School of Arts of Cuba where she was also director of the Women's Choir, and she member of the Schola Cantorum Coralina, working as a teacher and pianist of the youth and children's choirs of this group directed by Alina Orraca.

She is currently a teacher at the Conservatorio Superior de Música "Massotti Littel" in Murcia and she has been the conductor of Coro Sinfonía since its foundation in 2002.

Dirigent: Selena Cancino