2025 Seán Ó Riada Composition Competition now launched

The much-celebrated Seán Ó Riada Composition Competition is now officially launched! Be in with a chance of winning this esteemed composition competition…

Michela Del Tin
8 oktoober 2024

Palju tähistatud Seán Ó Riada heliloomingu konkurss on nüüd ametlikult käivitatud!

Võimalus võita see lugupeetud heliloomingukonkurss ja saada oma teose esmaettekandele tunnustatud Kammerkoor Iirimaa on Friday 2nd May 2025.

Taotluste laekumise tähtaeg on Friday 6th December 2024.
Täielikud üksikasjad ja veebipõhine taotlusvorm on saadaval siin.

Küsimuste korral võtke julgelt ühendust:
Tel: + 353 (0)21 4215125
E-post: [email protected]

The Cork International Choral Festival is delighted to announce that we are now accepting entries from Irish composers for the 2025 Seán Ó Riada Composition Competition. Judged by a panel of experts and composers of international renown, the competition awards a cash prize (kindly donated by the Ó Ríada family) and the Seán Ó Riada Trophy to the winning composer, and the selected piece will in turn be given its premiere performance by Chamber Choir Ireland at the Festival’s Gala Concert held in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Friday 2nd May 2025.

The Seán Ó Riada Competition was created in 1972 in recognition of the creative life and work of Seán Ó Riada (1931-71). While the format has evolved over the years, the focus has always been on bringing both traditional and new pieces of Irish music to life and to new audiences, as well as encouraging the composition of contemporary music as Gaeilge. The current format focuses on new works from Irish composers and has a novel approach of scores being entered under pseudonym to protect the identity of the composer.   

Võiduloomingu valib välja heliloojatest ja kooriekspertidest koosnev žürii. Valitud kompositsioon saab oma esiettekande festivali ajal kammerkoori Iirimaa galakontserdil.

Since the new format was introduced 14 years ago, over 300 original compositions have been entered, which highlights the renewed interest in, and healthy state of Irish composition. Previous winners of the competition include Solfa Carlile, Rhona Clarke, Patrick Connolly, Frank Corcoran, Séamas de Barra, Eoghan Desmond, Amanda Feery, Michael Holohan, Marian Ingoldsby, Donal Mac Erlaine, Simon MacHale, Kevin O’Connell, Criostóir Ó Loingsigh, Donal Sarsfield, James May, Peter Leavy, Norah Constance Walsh, Daragh Black Hynes, Laura Henegan and last year’s winner, Anselm McDonnell. Several of these works have been published by international choral publishing houses.

The competition is open to composers born or resident in Ireland and applications are welcomed from both established and emerging composers. The score should be an original work, written for a cappella choir, and up to 5 minutes in duration. It should be in 4 parts, and the selected text may be original or existing, in the English, or Irish, language.

Praegu võetakse taotlusi vastu ja täielik teave konkursikriteeriumide kohta on saadaval siin.

Koostöös Kammerkooriga Ireland ja Ó Riada Family Trustiga

Corki rahvusvaheline koorifestival

Korgi äratamine lauluga alates 1954. aastast

30. apr ~