Wednesday 30th April, 12.00pm
The Retired Teachers Association of Ireland Cork Choir
Having spent a lifetime imparting a love of learning and of music to pupils aged between 4 and 13, when retirement came, it brought time for us ex-teachers to enjoy the joys of choral singing. Mary Fitzgerald had the vision and organising drive to invite fellow ex-primary retirees to form a choir 11 years ago. At first, it was informal but the members were ambitious that we should be as good as we could be. The appointment of Dr. Mary G.O’ Brien as musical director and conductor set us on the right road. She built up our confidence as singers and set us standards to attain. Before long, invitations to perform locally came our way. As we attracted new members, we were enabled to attempt more challenging pieces and we began to travel. Two visits to honour St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, brought us to Northern Ireland. To enable us to enjoy the music and avoid the stress of the competition, we sang in San Marino and Krk Croatia in non-competitive festivals. We enjoyed the buzz and comradery of fellow choristers from youth to seniors, singing as equals, united in song. We bring this magic home each year when we sing in the Fringe of the International Choral Festival. We join with Ashton Secondary School and with a guest international choir to perform for the whole school community and guests. While we work hard to prepare our musical contribution to your festival, we look forward to being with you in June at the Festival Choral International en Normandie.