Sunday 4th May, 12.42pm
Established in 1980 The Polyphonics Male Barbershop Chorus has been a strong force in a capella music for over 4 decades. They are Ireland’s longest established barbershop chorus and have been members of Irish Association of Barbershop Singers (IABS) since it was formed in 1988. The Polyphonics have been winners of the IABS National Male Barbershop Chorus Competition on 15 occasions. Their passion for promoting the art of barbershop singing and their dedication to creating memorable musical experiences have kept them a united and thriving force. They actively participate in charity events, fundraisers, weddings, community celebrations and competitions using the power of music to make a positive impact on people's lives. Their dynamic repertoire spans classic barbershop melodies and timeless classics ensuring there is something for everyone in the audience. The chorus comprises enthusiastic singers from diverse backgrounds, and they embrace the traditional barbershop style while infusing it with fresh and modern elements creating an enjoyable experience for audiences.