Adjudication of Fleischmann International Trophy Competition
and Presentation of Festival Awards
Guest Performance
Abby Ní Lionsigh (IRELAND)
International Awards
Fleischmann International Trophy Competition Perpetual Trophy
Awarded to the winner of the Fleischmann International Trophy Competition.
Lady Dorothy Mayer Memorial Trophy
Special award for the performance of a piece in the International Competition.
Donated by Chris Mahon
Schuman/Europe Trophy
Special award for the performance of a work by a living European composer in the International Competition.
In memory of Moira Pyne (1916–2009)
Heinrich Schütz Perpetual Trophy
Special award for the performance of a work by Heinrich Schütz in the International or National Competitions.
In memory of Dr Hans Waldemar Rosen (1904-1994)
The McCurtain and McSwiney Memorial Trophy
Special Award, decided by the members of the International Jury, to a conductor in the International Competition for the performance of an imaginative and artistic programme. The recipient of this award will also receive an unrestricted, fully privileged, access to, the website hosting the worldwide virtual choral library developed by Musica International.
Donated by the Cork Council of Trade Unions
P.E.A.C.E. Trophy
Awarded to a choir that best embraces the spirit of the Festival, and fulfils the intentions of the trophy’s benefactors, the P. E. A. C. E. Movement, Cork.
Donated by P.E.A.C.E. Movement, Cork
Adult Competition Awards
Victor Leeson Perpetual Trophy (Ireland’s Choir of the Year)
Awarded to Ireland’s Choir of the Year.
Donated by the Guinness Choir in memory of its founder Victor Leeson on the occasion of the choir’s 50th Anniversary in 2001
Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Trophy
Awarded to the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year.
Donated by Ibec
Trofaí Cuimhneacháin Philib Uí Laoghaire (The Pilib Ó Laoghaire Memorial Trophy)
Special award for the performance of a piece in Irish.
Donated by Cór Cois Laoi
Perpetual Trophy for the Performance of Irish Contemporary Choral Music
Special award for the performance of an original choral work by a composer represented by the
Contemporary Music Centre. Work must be written after 1975 and selected from the CMC score library.
Donated by The Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland
The John Mannion Memorial Trophy
Special Award to a Chamber Choir for the performance of a work in the National Competitions.
Donated by the family of John Mannion
School Competition Awards
John Cunningham Trophy (School Choir of the Festival)
The school choir who receives the highest overall mark in the National Competition for Schools will be
designated School Choir of the Festival and presented with The John Cunningham Trophy.
Sing Ireland Trophy
Special award for the performance of a piece in the National Competition for Schools
Irish Federation of Musicians & Associated Professions Trophy
Special award for the performance of a piece in Irish in the National Competition for Schools.
The Sing Ireland Bursary for Conductors
Special bursary award to a conductor in the festival’s school competitions to attend the Sing Ireland’s
Annual Summer School.
Donated by Sing Ireland.