2023 karácsony a székesegyházban – november 25-én és 26-án

Cork International Choral Festival presents: 2023 Christmas at the Cathedral A Cork Christmas Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th November, 7:30…

Michela Del Tin
13 október 2023

Corki Nemzetközi Kórusfesztivál bemutatja:

2023 karácsonya a katedrálisban

Parafa karácsony

november 25-én szombaton és 26-án vasárnap 19:30-kor
Szent Fin Barre-székesegyház

Save the dates for the 2023 edition of the popular Christmas at the Cathedral, presented by the Cork International Choral Festival under the direction of Catherine Mahon Buckley.

Join us in the magical surroundings of Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral for two nights of music and readings, this year under the iconic title 'A Cork Christmas'. Due to its overwhelming popularity in past editions, we're doubling up this year to ensure more of you can enjoy this much-loved event.

A 26 eurós jegyek (foglalási díjjal együtt) online kaphatók a következő címen: ez a link. Prepare to kick off the festive season in the most enchanting atmosphere with the wonderful voices of renowned soloists, emerging vocal talents, and some of the best Cork choirs. Stay tuned for the full program and lineup, which will be unveiled in the coming days, and get ready for a celebration of voices like no other!

Cork Nemzetközi Kórusfesztivál

Cork életre keltése dallal 1954 óta

ápr. 30 ~