McMaster University Choir - Mixed Chorus


The McMaster University Choir, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is made up of the McMaster University community, with a strong focus on academic and artistic excellence, musical development, and personal growth through collaboration. The McMaster University Choir’s mission is to create choral music with artistry and integrity through choral repertoire study, technical facility, and creative collaboration. Directed by Melanie Tellez, the choirs consist of auditioned singers across campus who specialize in fields as diverse as Science Rehabilitation, Economics Policy, Engineering, Nursing, Music Cognition, Music Performance, and Mathematics & Statistics. Students are encouraged to take the choirs for credit (not compulsory). The choir has an active schedule of collaborative engagements throughout the year. In January 2024, McMaster University Choir was selected by Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra to be the feature choir in their pops series performance.

Karmester: Melanie Tellez