National Competition Choirs

Barefield National School

Barefield National School choir is made up of 42 children from 5th and 6th classes. It performs at school functions…
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Alma Choir

Alma is a newly-formed chamber choir based in Blackrock, Cork City. Founded in September 2024, the choir brings together a…
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A Szent Patrik Katedrális Gimnázium kórusa

A St. Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School egy koedukált, önkéntes középiskola Dublin belvárosának szívében. Azt…
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Uniós kórus

Union Choir was founded in 2019 by Tom Doyle to create a choral experience in MTU Cork School of Music…
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Harmony Bro

Harmony Bro is an a cappella men’s group based in Ennis, Co. Clare. They sing a wide variety of music…
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De la Salle Choir

A group of senior students set up the De La Salle College Male Voice Choir in 2000. The choir has…
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Vármártír Kórus

Castlemartyr Choir is community based. The choir performs at Mass in Castlemartyr Church every other week, and its annual Carols…
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Ashton Iskolai Kórus

Ashton School Choir is currently comprised of students from first year to fifth year who rehearse three or four times…
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Ursuline Középiskola, Thurles

The Ursuline Singers was formed 19 years ago in November 2006. It is comprised of 41 students, divided into four…
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A Wilcollane Singers

The Wilcollane Singers is a female voice choir formed in January 1989 under the direction of Anne Dunphy. Since its…
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