Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition

Applications for the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition are now open

  • Extended Closing date: 31st January 2025

The Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition returns in conjunction with but not exclusively for our Choirworks initiative. International and Irish choirs based in the workplace have the option of entering the competition taking place in Cork City Hall on the festival weekend.

If you are interested in entering the competition and require more info, please contact [email protected].

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all the rules and regulations included on this page.

The Cork International Choral Festival highlights the best of choral music in Ireland. While the Festival takes place in dozens of venues across the city, the majority of the competitions take place in Cork’s City Hall, one of the most attractive and acoustically superb venues in Ireland.

The Cork choral experience is unique in Ireland. While participation in competitions raises performance standards, we believe that choirs also benefit hugely by performing, listening to and experiencing different expressions of the choral art. Even at international level, the range of opportunities in Cork is considered special. More and more Irish choirs now extend their stay by also participating in church and informal performances; attending a range of Festival activities throughout the week, including our feature Gala Concerts, Fringe Concerts, Conductors Masterclass, Seminar on New Choral Music; listen to some of the finest international choirs selected to compete for the prestigious Fleischmann International Trophy Competition; and attend the weekend Festival Club to meet other participants informally in a convivial social setting.

  • Open to all workplace choirs, based in Ireland and abroad. A workplace choir consists of singers, at least 60% of whom are currently employed by, or based in the company.
  • Choirs will be judged by our international jury. The winner will be announced at the end of the competition event on the same day.
In-person competition
  • The choir should travel to Cork to participate in the competition.
  • No. of Voices: Min. 8 voices – Max 75 Voices.
  • Age Limit: 16 years of age and over on the day of competition.
  • Prizes:
    1st Prize – Trophy and Certificate
    2nd and 3rd Prize – Certificate

The third Friday in January of the same year.

Repertoire should consist of two contrasting pieces in any style. Instrumental accompaniment is permitted but this should not involve any amplification and should not distract from the choral element of the performance. Choreographic movement is encouraged but not essential. Total duration of the performance must not exceed 6 minutes.

The adjudicators allocate marks for the technical and artistic quality of the chosen programme and the overall quality of its performance. They will also take into account how well the choir communicates with the audience in a performance situation.

If you are interested in entering the competition and require more info, please contact [email protected].

Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 20th January 2023. All completed application forms and all required numbers of original published scores or certified/licensed legal copies of music must be received by this date. Please submit your online application form at the link at the bottom of this page.

In-person competition

Complete applications include:

  1. A completed online entry form including the choir’s proposed competition programme.
  2. A digital description of the choir and it’s members, detailing their relationships with the company, and how the choir was established or operates, in English, not more than 250 words.
  3. Up to two choir photos (optional).
  4. Three original published scores/licensed legal copies of each work. (See RULES & REGULATIONS)
  5. Receipt of payment of entry fee.

Post scores to:

The Festival Director
Cork International Choral Festival
Civic Trust House, 50 Pope’s Quay, Cork

Choirs must forward the specified support materials to the Festival Office by the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition closing date. Digital applications will not be considered complete if the specified support material is not submitted.

Acceptance of late applications is at the discretion of the Cork International Choral Festival and is not guaranteed. Late entry fees and late music penalty fees, as detailed in this syllabus, will be applied (See RULES & REGULATIONS).

Only original published scores or certified/licensed legal copies may be submitted with the application. Photocopies are not acceptable.

Choirs may avail of the services of the Festival’s official accompanist. Choirs must request this service on the application form when applying. An accompanist fee of €160 will also apply.

Video competition

Complete applications include:

The Festival Director
Cork International Choral Festival
Civic Trust House, 50 Pope’s Quay, Cork

Choirs must forward the specified support materials to the Festival Office by the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition closing date. Digital applications will not be considered complete if the specified support material is not submitted.

Acceptance of late applications is at the discretion of the Cork International Choral Festival and is not guaranteed. Late entry fees and late music penalty fees, as detailed in this syllabus, will be applied (See RULES & REGULATIONS).

Only original published scores or certified/licensed legal copies may be submitted with the application. Photocopies are not acceptable.

Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition entry fee (in-person): €300

(Optional) Festival Accompanist fee: €160

Payment can be made online at this link, or by cheque or bank transfer to the following account:

Account Holder: Cork International Choral Festival
Bank: Allied Irish Banks plc, Patrick Street, Cork, Ireland
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9341 5105 1954 48
Account Number: 05195448
National Sort Code: 93 41 51
NOTE: Please ensure that the name of choir is noted on the bank transfer as narrative

The following timetable is provisional. It may be subject to change depending on number of entries in each competition and Festival’s schedule requirements.

Wednesday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: National Competitions for Primary Schools

Thursday of Festival Week
Morning/Afternoon, City Hall: National Competitions for Secondary Schools

Saturday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: Equal Voices, Chamber Choirs & Ensembles, and Workplace Choirs
Afternoon & Evening, City Hall: Fleischmann International Trophy Competition

Sunday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: Mixed Choirs, Youth Choirs & Ireland’s Choir of the Year
Afternoon, City Hall: National Competition for Light, Jazz & Popular Music

Wednesday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: National Competitions for Primary Schools

Thursday of Festival Week
Morning/Afternoon, City Hall: National Competitions for Secondary Schools

Saturday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: Upper Voices, Lower Voices, Chamber Choirs & Ensembles, and Workplace Choirs
Afternoon & Evening, City Hall: Fleischmann International Trophy Competition

Sunday of Festival Week
Morning, City Hall: Mixed Choirs, Youth Choirs & Ireland’s Choir of the Year
Afternoon, City Hall: National Competition for Light, Jazz & Popular Music
Afternoon, The Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne (The North Cathedral), Shandon: National Competition for Church Music

Eligibility To Compete

  1. All members of a competing choir, except the conductor, must perform in the Festival as amateurs.
  2. No singer may compete as a member of more than one choir in the same competition.
  3. Choirs may enter more than one National Competition.
  4. No choir may compete at both international and national open level.
  5. The Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition is open to choirs from Ireland and abroad.


  1. Where two works/chants are required, the total duration must not exceed 6 minutes.
  2. The Adjudicators will penalise choirs whose programmes exceed the prescribed limits.
  3. Two consecutive Festivals must elapse before a choir can re-include any piece of music in its competition repertoire.
  4. Subsequent to entry, a choir may not change its repertoire or the order in which it will be sung (i.e. the order listed on the entry form).

Entry Procedure

  1. Only original published scores or certified/licensed legal copies may be submitted with the application. Photocopies are not acceptable.
    a) Choirs entering the in-person Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition should submit three scores of each work.
    b) Choirs wishing to avail of the services of the Festival’s official accompanist for the in-person competition must submit one additional original copy at the time of application.
    c) Choirs entering the online option of the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition should submit one score of the competition piece.
    NB: The Festival reserves the right to retain one copy of the music submitted. If you wish to have music scores returned after the Festival, you must include a large, stamped, self-addressed envelope with your entry form. Please include sufficient postage for the package weight.
  2. Workplace choirs based in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland competing in the Ibec Workplace Choir of the Year Competition can enter the National Open Competitions. The repertoire for each competition should be entirely different. A separate entry form is required for each competition and must be accompanied by the correct fee. Choirs cannot enter the National Competitions unless they are also entering the Workplace Choir of the Year Competition.

Late Application Penalties

  1. In the event that the Artistic Advisory Board accepts a late entry, an additional 50% of the competition fee will be required.
  2. In the event of original music not reaching the office by the official closing date, an additional €15 will be levied.

Broadcasting, Recording And Photographic Rights

  1. It is a condition of participation that a choir agrees that:
    a) Any performance it gives during the Festival may be photographed, broadcast live and/or recorded for subsequent reproduction and/or broadcast on radio/television/internet without payment to the choir. All broadcasting and photographic rights to any performance at the Festival shall belong to the Festival which will be free to dispose of them or utilise them in promotional material as it sees fit. It is the duty of all choirs with members under 18 years of age to ensure that informed consent is sought from young people and their parents/carers ins this regard.
    b) Any performance it gives during the Festival may, without payment, be recorded and the Festival shall be entitled to possession of any such recording and shall further be entitled to reproduce any such recording and to sell, let for hire, o er or exposure for sale or hire, distribute or otherwise dispose of any recording or reproduction of recording of any such performance in any manner it sees fit.
    c) All rights regarding the audiovisual recordings made for the Workplace Choir of the Year Video Competition as well as their exploitation are herewith being granted non-exclusively to the Cork International Choral Festival by the choir for subsequent reproduction and/or broadcast on radio/television/internet without payment to the choir.
    d) The Festival will be free to dispose of the audiovisual recordings or utilise them in promotional materials as it sees fit. It is the duty of all choirs with members under 18 years of age to ensure that informed consent is ought from young people and their parents/carers in this regard.
    e) The Festival may, without payment, dispose of the audiovisual recordings and shall further be entitled to reproduce any such recording and to sell, let for hire, offer or exposure for sale or hire, distribute or otherwise dispose of any recording or reproduction of recording of any such performance in any manner as it sees fit.

General Rules

  1. The Artistic Advisory Board reserves the right to limit the number of entries for each competition.
  2. The Artistic Advisory Board reserves the right to cancel a competition if it feels that there have been insufficient entries.
  3. The Artistic Advisory Board reserves the right to advise a choir to enter an alternative level of competition.
  4. The Artistic Advisory Board reserves the right to refuse entry to any competition.
  5. Requests for permission to enter competitions other than at the times indicated on the timetable cannot be entertained. The Artistic Advisory Board, nevertheless, reserves the right to alter the timetable in light of the number of entries received.
  6. A first prize is awarded only for a mark average of 85%+.
  7. A second prize is awarded only for a mark average of 80%+.
  8. Adjudicators’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding any aspect of their work.
  9. It is contrary to law to perform music that has been reproduced illegally. Should a choir do so, the Festival accepts no responsibility for any action taken by copyright owners.
  10. The Festival does not contribute to a choir’s travel costs to/from Cork.
  11. A choir withdrawing from a competition is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee.
  12. The Festival accepts no legal responsibility whatsoever in respect of anything pertaining to a choir’s participation in the Festival.
  13. The Festival reserves the right to change its dates in the event that a concert, or other public event or any circumstance outside the control of the Festival renders it impracticable to hold the festival on the scheduled dates.
  14. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of all the rules and regulations.

Choirs in all competitions are actively encouraged to include works by composers born or resident in the island of Ireland.

Choirs are directed to the following resources:

  1. The CMC Choral Catalogues series includes Children’s and Upper Voices Repertoire, Mixed Choir Repertoire and Christmas Repertoire. All the works have been selected by specialist curators and graded with a comprehensive set of guidelines. The catalogues can be accessed here:
    • Performer Resources
    • CMC Choral Catalogue, Children’s and Female Voice Repertoire
    • CMC Choral Catalogue, Mixed Voice Repertoire
  2. These graded catalogues are a useful starting point in selecting repertoire, but please note that any choral works held in CMC library are eligible. Sample pages are also available for a selection of choral works at www.cmc.ie/music. In addition Library Coordinator Susan Brodigan will be pleased to assist choirs in their choice. Email: [email protected]. Scores may be purchased directly from the Centre or online through the CMC Shop.
  3. Scores featured in the CMC Choral Catalogues are now available for purchase via licensed download via the CMC website. A guide designed to ‘walk you through’ the licensed download process is available on CMC website.
  4. Choirland: An Anthology of Irish Choral Music, is a collection of 15 pieces by Irish composers for unaccompanied mixed choir. Published by the CMC, the collection has been produced in partnership with Sing Ireland and Chamber Choir Ireland (CCI) with funding from The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. Each piece is presented with performance notes designed to aid conductors and singers alike, and the book includes a CD recording of the music by Chamber Choir Ireland conducted by its Artistic Director Paul Hillier. Choirland is available to purchase from CMC’s Online Shop and direct from the Centre.
  5. The Commission Scheme administered by the Arts Council (70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 618 0200)
  6. The independent commission of new works from Irish composers.

Special Note: Each choir is advised to order music 2-3 months in advance of the Competition
Penalties for the receipt of late music will be strictly adhered to. The Festival is pleased to recommend the following for the purchase of music.

Sing Ireland
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland
Tel: 061-234823, Web: www.singireland.ie, Email: [email protected]

The Contemporary Music Centre
19 Fishamble Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 6731922 • Fax: 01 6489100
Web: www.cmc.ie • Email: [email protected]

Opus II
Web: www.opus2.ie • Email: [email protected]

Pro Musica
20 Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork
Tel: 021 4271659 • Fax: 021 4273780
Web: www.promusica.ie • Email: [email protected]