Cori e Relatori

Tipi di coro

Tipi di coro
  • Giudici (5)
  • Coro di raduni corali (4)
  • Gruppo Gala (13)
  • Interprete ospite (6)
  • Ibec 'Luogo di lavoro dell'anno' Cori in concorso (9)
  • Concorso Internazionale di Cori (10)
  • Cori internazionali fuori concorso (10)
  • Concorso Nazionale Cori (58)
  • Cori Nazionali Fuori Concorso (40)
  • Presenter (4)


  • Tutto
  • Antrim (1)
  • Australia (1)
  • Aydın (Turkey) / Dublin (1)
  • Basque Country - Spain (2)
  • Canada (4)
  • Chiara (3)
  • sughero (65)
  • Denamrk (1)
  • Denmark (1)
  • Dublino (9)

Tipi di coro

Tipi di coro
  • Giudici (5)
  • Coro di raduni corali (4)
  • Gruppo Gala (13)
  • Interprete ospite (6)
  • Ibec 'Luogo di lavoro dell'anno' Cori in concorso (9)
  • Concorso Internazionale di Cori (10)
  • Cori internazionali fuori concorso (10)
  • Concorso Nazionale Cori (58)
  • Cori Nazionali Fuori Concorso (40)
  • Presenter (4)


  • Tutto
  • Antrim (1)
  • Australia (1)
  • Aydın (Turkey) / Dublin (1)
  • Basque Country - Spain (2)
  • Canada (4)
  • Chiara (3)
  • sughero (65)
  • Denamrk (1)
  • Denmark (1)
  • Dublino (9)

Abby Ní Lionsigh

Vice Principal & Head of Strings for Musica Fusion - School of Music Violin, Traditional Fiddle and Piano Hailing originally from Cobh, Abby has played the violin and piano from a very young age. She reached grade 8 in both instruments during her school years,…
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All Together Choir

The All Together Choir, led by Cibele Sabioni, is a vibrant multicultural community that celebrates the joy of singing and the power of inclusivity. Our members, hailing from diverse backgrounds, find a sense of belonging and unity through music. The All Together Choir was born…
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Alma Choir

Alma is a newly-formed chamber choir based in Blackrock, Cork City. Founded in September 2024, the choir brings together a talented group of experienced choral singers and musicians. Alma performs a wide variety of music, from classical works and folk song arrangements to arrangements of…
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Andrea Lane

Andrew is a performer from Cork. He holds a Masters in Music Performance specialising in voice and musical direction and a Bachelor of Music (Hons) (BMUS) graduating from MTU Cork School of Music specialising in voice. Recent performance credits include: ‘Motel’ in Fiddler on the…
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Anna Fűri

Anna Fűri graduated with a degree in Choral Conducting and Vocal Pedagogy in 1997 from the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, where she studied with Péter Erdei, Valér Jobbágy, Salamon Kamp, Zoltán Kövics and István Párkai.   She received her second degree in jazz…
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Anne Kohler

Anne Kohler is Professor for Choral Conducting at the Detmold University of Music, Germany. She is also the artistic leader of the German National Youth Choir. Besides teaching her class of First Study Choral Conductors, she conducts the University’s Chamber Choir Detmold and the Vocal…
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Coro della scuola di Ashton

Ashton School Choir is currently comprised of students from first year to fifth year who rehearse three or four times a week in the mornings before the school day begins. Members are not auditioned and membership is open to all students of the school. The…
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Barefield National School

Barefield National School choir is made up of 42 children from 5th and 6th classes. It performs at school functions and masses as well as entering competitions. Its most recently achieved first place in the Limerick Choral Festival and second place in the Navan Choral…
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Coro della Baronia

Barony Choir was formed in 2011 as a fun, mixed voice community choir. They are based in Midleton, Co Cork. Their repertoire is eclectic, including songs from the musicals, pop songs and classics, and they never shy away from learning something new. Their conductor is…
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Belle Armoniche

Belle Harmonics is a dynamic pop/rock collective known for their gorgeous harmonies, innovative arrangements and energetic stage presence. Formed in 2018, the group has quickly risen to prominence on the Irish music scene, performing to sold-out audiences in venues and festivals throughout the country. Their…
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Bonne Chanson (Bon Secours Hospital)

Founded in 2015 at Bon Secours Hospital Cork, Bonne Chanson takes its name from the French language, honouring the Parisian roots of the Congregation of Bon Secours. Bonne Chanson has twice reached the final level of the Lyric FM Workplace Choir Competition and has participated…
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Coro Bravehearts

Bravehearts choir is a community choir who raise funds for Cork based cancer charities. Bravehearts meet on Wednesdays at 7.15pm-9.15pm in the Western Gateway building in UCC.
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Bus Eireann

We are Recently formed work place with members from all sections and retired staff in Bus Eireann Cork. We practice every Wednesday evening. We have sang at a few events, namely at a deceased members mass in South Parish Church in November 2024. We also…
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CADA Arti dello spettacolo

Artistic Director: Catherine Mahon-Buckley
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Cahir a cantare

Cahir to Sing is a ladies’ choir started in 2016 with the aim of singing for pleasure whilst being inclusive and welcoming. Since then we have built a strong community, have raised thousands for charity, have had many adventures and continue to connect through a…
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Calliope is a Cork based octet that first formed in January of 2023 with members from various backgrounds who have come together over their love of choral music. Under the direction of Sam Guisinger, they perform music spanning various genres and languages. With a desire…
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Cân Aderyn

Cân Aderyn Singers (CAS), is an eclectic group of ladies, who meet every week for the pure enjoyment of singing together. It all started with 8 ladies in a living room who fancied a sing-song and a giggle. Since then, we’ve grown so much, in…
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Cantairí Mhuscraí

Cantairí Mhúscraí is a mixed voice choir based in Ballincollig, Cork and draws its repertoire from a wide range of music including sacred, Irish and popular pieces. Founded in 1973, the choir has performed a number of major works over the years including Handel’s Messiah,…
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A vibrant, mixed-voice choir of 27 with varied repertoire, founded in 2006. Directed by magnificent Méadhbh Campbell.
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Cappella Pratensis

For almost forty years, Cappella Pratensis has been renowned for its innovative approach to the performance of Renaissance polyphonic music,being one of only a handful of professional ensembles in the world who perform directly from historical notation, as opposed to transcriptions in theform of a…
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Coro Gospel Carrigaline

Carrigaline Gospel Choir was established in 2005 and are celebrating their 20 year anniversary this year .The choir proudly includes several founding members who remain active in the choir . The choir is currently led by Musical Director Sinéad Coakley Murphy. The choir performs once…
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Carrigaline Mens' Shed Choir

Carrigaline Men's Shed non-auditioned choir of retirees meets weekly to sing for pleasure. They perform in retirement and care homes around Cork and sing to raise money for local charities.
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Castlelyons Gospel Choir

We are based in Castlelyons County Cork. Founded in 2010, our choir is a vibrant ensemble of both male and female singers, rooted in the rich traditions of gospel music. Over the years, we've expanded our repertoire to include a variety of genres, showcasing our…
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Coro dei Castelmartiri

Castlemartyr Choir is community based. The choir performs at Mass in Castlemartyr Church every other week, and its annual Carols by Candlelight at Christmas is a highlight in the life of the village. The choir has performed at many festivals both at home and abroad…
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Catherine Mahon Buckley

Catherine Mahon-Buckley è tornata al suo primo amore: recitare come attrice. Spaventoso, sì, ma quando Pat Talbot le ha recentemente dato la sceneggiatura di Sisters di Declan Hassett, era così eccitata e onorata di far parte di una produzione così eccitante e stimolante. Recente…
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Coro da Camera Irlanda

"È stata subito un'immersione assolutamente meravigliosa nella sonorità corale" IRISH TIMES, MARZO 2019 Guadagnandosi una solida reputazione per il loro approccio unico alla commissione creativa, alla registrazione e alla programmazione, Chamber Choir Ireland è l'ensemble corale di punta del paese e il coro da camera nazionale sotto l'Artistic …
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Chamber Choir of the Collegium Musicum Berlin

The Collegium Musicum Berlin is the musical home for over 400 members of the Free University and the Technical University of Berlin who, in addition to their studies or other employment, sing in the choir or play in one of the orchestras or the big…
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Confusione corale

Founded in 2010, Choral Con Fusion is a vibrant, inclusive SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) choir based in Cork, Ireland, with strong roots in the LGBT+ community. With approximately 60 members, the choir offers a welcoming space for individuals from all walks of life to…
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City Hall Singers (Cork City Council)

November 2023 saw the rebirth of City Hall Singers. After a 15-year break, three former members, over a coffee break, resurrected City Hall Singers in November 2023, to try and re-connect staff and retirees, following the disconnect created by Covid 19. There was instant uptake…
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Coro di voci maschili Commodoro

Commodore Male Voice Choir was founded in the early 1960’s by the workers of Verolme Cork Dockyard. When that industry closed, workers from Irish Steel joined up and the choir became known as Cork Harbour Area Choir. Come 1987 the choir was without a home…
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Cór Bláth Oráiste

We are a community choir based in Cork City engaged in creating a space which promotes multicultural music education and community development by utilizing vocal music in a way that deepens our connections with one another.
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Cor Cois Abhann

Cór Cois Abhann is a large choral ensemble based in Cork City with an eclectic membership. Founded in 1990, the choir has long experience in both arts and light repertory and has performed all over Europe and throughout Ireland, including broadcasts, recordings and regular concerts,…
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Cór Comáin

Cór Comáin is an upper voice choir, established in September 2017 by Choral Director, Derek Mahady. In March of 2024, Cór Comáin participated in the Arklow Music Festival and were awarded first prize in two categories. Cór Comáin offers public performances and recitals of choral…
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Cor Lae Nua

Cór Lae Nua is a female voice chamber choir based in Cork City. It was founded in 2016 when a group of friends came together to experience the challenges and pleasures of singing in a small choir. The choir enjoys performing in a wide variety…
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Cor Mhagh Ealla

Cór Mhagh Ealla (CORE VAW ALLA) is a community choir based in Mallow in North Cork on the banks of the River Blackwater.  The choir was established in 2001 and comprises approximately 56 members with many new voices added this year.  Since its formation the…
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Cór Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Cailíní

Cór Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Cailíní is directed by Maeve-Ann O’Brien and consists of girls from 3rd to 6th class .There is a long history of choral singing in the school in Bishopstown. The choir performs a wide variety of repertoire and has achieved great…
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Cork Fleischmann Symphony Orchestra

The Cork Fleischmann Symphony Orchestra was established in 2016 in honour of Professor Aloys Fleischmann of UCC, a highly influential figure in Irish music. Professor Fleischmann was instrumental in the formation of numerous organisations that significantly impacted the development of music and music education in…
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Coro di Cork Headway

The Cork Headway Choir is a collective of clients and staff from the Cork branch of Headway Ireland. Headway is a service that provides rehabilitation to adults with an acquired brain injury. The Cork Headway choir has been running for the last few years and…
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Cork RTAI Choir

The Retired Teachers Association of Ireland Cork Choir Having spent a lifetime imparting a love of learning and of music to pupils aged between 4 and 13, when retirement came, it brought time for us ex-teachers to enjoy the joys of choral singing. Mary Fitzgerald…
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Coro Sinfonía

Coro Sinfonía was founded in 2002 by the Patronato Municipal de Habaneras de Torrevieja and its main aim is the promotion of choral music, mainly the “Habanera” and the musical-vocal preparation of its students. Coro Sinfonía has carried out a high level of pedagogical and…
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Cratloe National School

Cratloe National School is located in the picturesque parish of Cratloe, nestled near the scenic Cratloe Woods. The co-educational school is home to 293 pupils. Music holds a central place in the school community, and the school choir, comprising boys and girls from 4th, 5th,…
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De La Salle Choir

A group of senior students set up the De La Salle College Male Voice Choir in 2000. The choir has been singing at concerts, competitions, school masses and carol services for the last 25 years. The main reason the boys join the choir is to…
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Dolcissimo Chamber Choir

Dolcissimo is a ten person vocal ensemble, founded in 2006 as a small ensemble from the larger choir  Dolce, under the musical direction of Deirdre Ní Chaomhánaigh. This a capella group sing in concerts, festivals and at indoor and outdoor events in the greater Dublin…
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Douglas Harmonia Cantanti

Douglas Harmonia Singers is a dynamic Cork-based upper-voice choir, singing a varied repertoire of jazz, classical, popular and traditional Irish music. They were first-place prize winners in Feis Maitiu Corcaigh's Adult Choirs competition in 2024, and Feis Maitiu's Chamber Choirs competition the previous year. They…
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Dr Alexander Khalil

Dr Alexander Khalil is a senior lecturer in music and joint head of music at University College Cork. An ethnomusicologist and cognitive scientist, his work investigates the interpersonal temporal dynamics of music making. He is a cantor in the Greek Orthodox chant tradition, a student…
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Dynamics Vocal Ensemble

Dynamics Vocal Ensemble are a group of friends who have been singing together since 2018.  Last July they were invited as guests of Gábor Oláh and the Hungarian Baptist Central Choir to perform two concerts in Budapest.  In 2022 they won the Vocal Ensemble National…
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East Cork Choral Society

East Cork Choral Society was founded in 1979 with the express intention of bringing all the major oratorios to Cork audiences. They have stayed faithful to this ideal and have sung a vast number of works from Bach, Britten, Mendelssohn, Handel, Haydn, Rossini, Verdi and…
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Fermoy Men's Club Choir

Fermoy Men's Club Choir formed in 2024. The choir consists of retired men from the town of Fermoy on the river Blackwater. The choir enjoys singing a range of music from Irish folk songs to hits from the musicals. The choir has participated in concerts…
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Finphonics Choir was formed on 2013. The choir is made up of staff members in the St. Fin barres Hospital Cork. They rehearse for one hour once a week. The choir perform at Masses, Anniversaries, and Retirement events in the Hospital. They perform two concerts…
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Coro femminile del Forte

Forte Women’s Choir sing everything from pop, musical theatre, and rock, to Disney classics and everything in between, under their award-winning Interim Musical Director, Lorna Moore. They love hosting our annual Christmas Wishes Concert in aid of Make-A-Wish Ireland each December and are proud to…
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Gabriel Crouch

Conductor for Chamber Choir Ireland // British baritone, choral conductor, and record producer He held the second baritone position in the King's Singers for eight years, from 1996 to 2004, including a Grammy nomination for Best Classical Crossover Album in 2001. He has also performed and recorded with Polyphony, Tenebrae, and The Cambridge…
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The Gaudete Choir from St Patrick's Church, Rochestown has been singing mass weekly on Sundays for over 30 years to packed and appreciative congregations. They perform a wide range of sacred music from Caccini's Ave Maria to Ronan McDonagh’s Irish Mass. Christmas and Easter are…
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Anello Gavan

Originario di Cahersiveen nella contea di Kerry, il tenore irlandese Dr Gavan Ring ha studiato alla Schola Cantorum del St Finian's College Mullingar prima di studiare educazione e musica alla Dublin City University. Alunno del National Opera Studio di Londra, Gavan è anche la prima opera…
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Glanmire Community College

Glanmire Community College Choir has more than 25 members, comprised of 1st to 6th year students. The Choir reached the semi-final in the All Island School Choir Competition, 2014. They are regular competitors and winners in Feis Maitiú, Corcaí. They have participated in inter-choral mornings…
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Glasheen Girls' School Choir

Glasheen Girls National School Choir is made up of 4th to 6th class students. They are directed by their teachers Emma Tierney and Eimear Fitzgerald. The choir has sung at many events including the Cór Fhéile in Cork's City Hall, nativity celebrations, school masses, staff…
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Glaslinn Choir

The existing Glaslinn Choir was formed in 2005. However it has its roots in a community choir that was set up in the late 1960's. The choir is based in Bandon but its members hail from many other parts of Cork. We have a wide…
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Gruppo Corale Gorey

Il Gorey Choral group è un gruppo corale misto che canta insieme da oltre 40 anni. Fondata nel 1977 da un gruppo di amici che condividevano la passione per l'esecuzione e il canto di diversi generi musicali, dalla musica sacra, al jazz, alla musica leggera...
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Gyula Nagy

Gyula Nagy is a Hungarian baritone based in Ireland. He trained at the Royal Irish Academy of Music with teacher Philip O’Reilly, then at the National Opera Studio, London, and he is an alumnus of the Jette Parker Young Artists Programme (2016-2018) at the Royal…
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Quartetto da barbiere Hairmonics

The Hairmonics barbershop quartet was formed in early 2012 from members of Cantairí Mhúscraí in Ballincollig. Eoin, Terry, Paul & Ger perform at various inter choir nights, carol concerts, retirement homes and charity events in the Cork area and have also regularly appeared at the…
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Armonia fratello

Harmony Bro is an a cappella men’s group based in Ennis, Co. Clare. They sing a wide variety of music from Doo-Wop to Barbershop to Sea Shanties and enjoy singing anything with a bit of harmony. They collaborated with renowned Canadian singer Sean Dagher in…
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Harmony Federation

Harmony Federation is a 30-strong male vocal group singing in the ‘a cappella’ and barbershop styles. Now fourteen years old,  ‘The Feds’ are still Ireland’s premier, national male barbershop chorus, with membership drawn from choruses, musical societies and choirs all over Ireland including some members…
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Hart Male Voice Choir

Hart Male Voice Choir (HMVC) marks its 50th anniversary in 2025 and plans to celebrate by participating in the Cork International Choral Festival and by hosting a Gala Dinner with special guests Choir President Dr Haydn James and Choir Patron Alan Titchmarsh who has compèred…
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Hill Harmonics

Hill Harmonics, from Watergrasshill, Cork was founded in April 2017. It is an SAB choir who love to perform an array of genres of music from pop and musical theatre to classical. The Hill Harmonics are a busy choir who perform throughout the year at…
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Ibec Choir

Ibec's Workplace Choir commenced as a Covid wellbeing initiative to bring colleagues together online. Their first time singing together in person was on the morning of their performance in the Workplace Choir Competition in 2022. They have competed in every competition since then and they…
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Inver Singers

The Inver Singers Choir, formerly The Inver Ladies Choir was established over 30 years ago in Arklow. Over the years, Inver Singers Choir has successfully participated in choral festivals in Arklow, Sligo, Cork, and New Ross. The choir has also competed and performed in Llandudno,…
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Junges Consortium Berlin

The Junge Consortium Berlin is a youth chamber choir from the Conservatory that has been delighting audiences with its pure intonation and special youthful sound since it was founded in September 2015. The reliable community of around 30 singers aged between 16 and 25 has…
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KALYNA - Ukrainian Community choir of Cork. Was founded in 2022 with the support of Carraig center (Ballincollig) within the Ukrainian Community support project. Now the choir unites up to 50 participants from all the parts of Ukraine under temporary protection in Ireland. The conductor of…
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Kammerkoret NOVA

Kammerkoret NOVA (NOVA Chamber Choir) is an ambitious amateur ensemble of around 30 singers based in Oslo, Norway. The choir is led by Julia Selina Blank. Since its founding in 2001, NOVA has established a reputation for giving audiences memorable concert experiences, focusing on homogeneous…
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Keith Pascoe

In 2016 Keith Pascoe received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Concert Hall, Dublin for his work with the Vanbrugh Quartet. He is an internationally respected violinist, conductor, lecturer, and editor based in Cork, Ireland. Principal conductor of the Cork Symphony Orchestra from 2004…
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Kelly-Ann Healy

Kelly-Ann si è laureata con lode in Drama and Theatre Studies presso la UCC. Diplomata con l'ISTD è attualmente Head of Dance presso CADA. I crediti coreografici includono numerosi Junior Chorus negli ultimi 10 anni, "Ragtime" di UCC all'Everyman Palace, "The Wizard...
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Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ

The choir of Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ is comprised of students from 1st to 6th years. Almost a quarter of the school is involved in the choir. They hold regular concert performers who enjoy singing a wide variety of music. The choir have been guest…
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Liberty IT Choir

Liberty IT's workplace choir is a blend of singers from across the Belfast, Dublin and Galway sites, meeting virtually each week to rehearse and in person every other month. This group believe that the choir is a fantastic way to connect and make new friends,…
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Lilly Ireland Choir

The Lilly Kinsale site choir were a seasonal pop-up choir for years before becoming a year-round work choir in 2018. The choir invites all interested employees to perform multipart harmony in a capella for various site events and charitable initiatives in the local area. During…
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Lumina is a mixed-voice choir based at the South East Technological University, and was established in 2016. The choir is made up of alumni from the university’s Choral Programme for children and youth choirs. Lumina has earned numerous accolades, including prizes at the Sligo International…
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Madrigale '75

I Madrigal '75 furono formati nel 1975 dagli studenti dell'University College di Cork per partecipare ad un concorso di Madrigal, che vinsero, quindi il nome e l'anno sembravano essere la scelta naturale per il coro! Nel corso degli anni il coro ha avuto un posto di rilievo nel Cork...
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Matteo Breen

Assistant Director of Music for St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork Musician
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McMaster University Choir - Cantemus Treble Ensemble

The McMaster University Choir, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is made up of treble voices from McMaster University's community, with a strong focus on academic and artistic excellence, musical development, and personal growth through collaboration. The McMaster University Choir’s mission is to create choral music with…
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McMaster University Choir - Mixed Chorus

The McMaster University Choir, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is made up of the McMaster University community, with a strong focus on academic and artistic excellence, musical development, and personal growth through collaboration. The McMaster University Choir’s mission is to create choral music with artistry and…
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Millicent Singers

Millicent Singers was founded in 1996, and is a choir based in Clane, County Kildare, known for their dedication to choral singing and community engagement. Under the leadership of their musical director, Alan Kelly and accompanist Caroline Cutliffe, the choir has grown in confidence and…
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Mixed Choir "Ventspils"

Mixed Choir “Ventspils,” led by conductor Aigars Meri, is a distinguished Latvian choir celebrated for its creativity and expressive performances. Since 2014, the choir has presented diverse programs and collaborated with prominent Latvian artists, earning a reputation for inspiring audiences. Aigars Meri is a well-recognized…
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Coro giovanile monfortano

Il Coro giovanile di Montfort esiste da 11 anni ed è composto da circa 60 membri misti la cui età varia dai 9 ai 18 anni. Il repertorio eseguito dal coro è prevalentemente costituito da selezioni di teatro musicale dell'età d'oro di Broadway oltre a brani contemporanei...
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Morten Vinther Sørensen

Morten is a Danish singer, producer and composer with a master’s degree from The Royal Academy of Music in Aalborg. From 2010 to 2019, he toured globally with the Swedish vocal group The Real Group. Before that, he performed in various Danish choirs and ensembles,…
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Mount Juliet International Choir (Mount Juliet Estate)

Inspired by a chance conversation with Greenskeeper Adrian Lubowicz, in 2021 HR Director Maja Vitas assembled a staff choir to sing for the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Kilkenny's Mount Juliet Estate. Both Maja and Adrian have rich histories in choral singing and conducting.With only…
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Monte Reale Kantorei

Mount Royal Kantorei is an auditioned 90-member mixed chorus based in Calgary Alberta in Canada and part of Mount Royal University's family of choirs. Embracing innovative projects and significant collaborations, the choir is committed to musical excellence and community engagement. Recent highlights include commissioning works…
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Società Corale MTU Glór

MTU Glór Choral Society was founded in 2019 and has grown from strength to strength since its establishment. They are based in the Cork School of Music and are comprised of students from all MTU campuses . They are led by a dedicated and united…
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MTU Staff Choir

MTU Staff Choir is based in the Bishopstown, Cork. This enthusiastic group of singers from varying departments on this campus, including retired staff, meet for a happy hour of choral singing at lunchtime on Tuesdays. Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses delight at the opportunity of…
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Voci di Muckross

Muckross Voices are a group of seven ladies, based in Killarney, who sing in three-part harmony. While all have sung separately in various choirs in the past, this group has been together for two years and we love to get together to share in the…
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Coro Musica Fusion

Musica Fusion Choir are a ladies choir based in Charleville, Co. Cork. They perform frequently in the locality. They are conducted by Abby Ni Loingsigh.
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One Voice

One Voice Choir, established in 2018, is a vibrant group composed of past and present staff members of Marks and Spencer’s , Cork led by Sinèad Coakley Murphy & Úna Daly who share a passion for singing. They firmly believe in the power of “One…
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Orla Flanagan

Orla Flanagan is a Dublin-based choral conductor and music educator. She studied conducting with Prof. Péter Erdei at the Kodály Institute in Hungary and holds a doctorate in performance from the Royal Irish Academy of Music. She is an Assistant Professor of Music at Trinity…
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Pasi Hyökki

Master of Music and choir conductor Pasi Hyökki (b. 1970) is the artistic director of the Tapiola Choir, YL Male Voice Choir and the chamber choir EMO Ensemble, which he founded in 2000. With the Talla Vocal Ensemble, EMO Ensemble and the Cantabile choir, Hyökki…
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Pietro Stobart

Peter Stobart is the Director of Music of St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, Republic of Ireland, having taken up the post in October 2015.  He is also the Artistic Director of the Cork International Choral Festival, a position which he took up in January 2020. Since…
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Presentation Secondary School Tralee

Presentation Secondary School Choir was founded in September 2024 under the direction of Gráinne O'Carroll. It is a new venture for the school and since then, the choir has performed at school masses and functions as well as collaborating with the Kerry School of Music…
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The choir Quinnton is a female choir with around 40 happy lady singers, in the age from 20 to 75. The choir resides in Vaasa, on the west coast of Finland. The choir was founded in 1985, and will thus celebrate its 40th anniversary in…
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Raphaela Mangan

One of Ireland’s leading mezzo-sopranos Raphaela obtained a record-breaking First Class Honours Bachelor’s Degree from the TUD Conservatory of Music and Drama , receiving the Michael McNamara Gold Medal for Performance and the TUD Gold Medal for Academic Excellence. Raphaela then went on to obtain…
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Realta Chamber Choir

Réalta Chamber Choir was established in September 2023 by Claire Grogan in Drogheda. Having grown up in the tradition of upper-voice singing under the direction of Ethna Barror in The Lindsay Singers, Claire loves sharing exciting music written for this vocal range with her choir.…
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Coro da Camera del Collegio Regina Mundi

Regina Mundi College has a longstanding tradition of choral music. They have enjoyed success at Feis Maitiu on numerous occasions and The All Island School Choir Competition. They were thrilled to win at last year’s Cork International Choral Festival. The choir enrich the school through…
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Coro della comunità dei ritmi fluviali

River Rhythms is a Community Choir, based in Killeady. The Choir was originally set up in 2016. The Choir performs at the Cork Choral Festival in May annually, at local festivals and events and also takes part in charity fundraisers. It has raised funds for…
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RockavoX is an independent community rock choir based in the market town of Dereham in the heart of rural Norfolk, UK. Established in 2012 by our MD Tiggy, Vocal Tutor and Co-Owner of JDT Music Academy, RockavoX has become a popular choir locally, well-known for…
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Roddy O'Keeffe

Roddy O’Keeffe is a Lecturer at Munster Technological University Cork School of Music, and is based in the Musicianship and Academic Studies Department. As a professional trombonist, Roddy has played with numerous ensembles throughout Ireland and abroad, most notably with Crash Ensemble, Ireland’s leading contemporary…
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Coro della cattedrale di Saint Fin Barre

C'è stato un coro nella cattedrale di Saint Fin Barre sin dal periodo medievale, essendo menzionato per la prima volta in un manoscritto del 1328. Nel corso degli anni la musica ha svolto un ruolo importante nella liturgia della cattedrale. Il coro attuale è composto da coristi ragazzi, ragazze...
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Scrubs, CUH Workplace Choir

Scrubs is a four-part mixed choir of about 50 members, directed by Mr. Patrick D’Alton, represented primarily by hospital staff members who want to unwind after a hard week work by singing in a relaxed and amusing atmosphere.. The choir was formed at Cork University…
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SETU Youth Choirs

This year marks the first time the SETU Junior Youth Choir and SETU Youth Choir, both based in Waterford and made up of secondary school-aged singers, have come together. The Junior Youth Choir introduces students to mixed-voice choral music, nurturing their developing voices with challenging…
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Shane Lynch

Shane Lynch, an award-winning conductor, composer, and music educator, assumed the position Director of Choral Activities at Washington and Lee University in the Fall of 2009. He conducts the University Singers, W&L’s internationally competitive touring choir, and the Glee Club. Dr. Lynch also oversees the…
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Sing4Joy is a gospel choir founded in 2010 in Bulle, Switzerland, in the beautiful Gruyère region where the famous cheese comes from. We chose Sing4Joy as our name because the choir's primary goal is to bring joy all around us. We sing in various places,…
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Sligo Orpheus Choir

Established in 1975, the Sligo Orpheus Choir is an amateur mixed-voice choir of over 30 singers that aims to promote an appreciation and enjoyment of choral music within the community of County Sligo and beyond.The Sligo Orpheus Choir performs a wide variety of repertoire, from…
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Southland is an occasional touring choir. Since 2012, we have sung in several festivals and choral competitions in Europe and one in Vietnam. Southland has achieved Bronze ands Silver level awards in international competitions. We also perform in Australian festivals, for local Music Clubs and…
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St Fin Barre's National School

Our school Choir is made up of boys and girls from first to 6th Class.St Fin Barre's National School has been providing primary education since the seventeenth century. It is a small,mixed, inclusive school school on a site of rich historical importance being the point…
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Coro della scuola di San Luca

Il coro della St Luke's School è composto da alunni dalla 3a alla 6a classe. Ci incontriamo ogni martedì dopo la scuola e tutto ciò che serve è l'amore per il canto! Ci esibiamo a scuola, in chiesa e nella nostra comunità locale. Ci piace cantare in...
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St Mary Treblemakers

The St Mary’s Treblemakers is an extracurricular choral program that St Mary High School offers. This is an auditioned female group and all of the Treblemakers are part of the larger SATB choir. The group performs on a regular basis for their school, community events,…
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St Mary's Cathedral Choir

Saint Mary’s Cathedral Limerick has a multi-denominational choir, who on a weekly basis sing for Sunday Services. From medieval to modern, together with hymns and traditional canticles, the music is always enjoyable and inspiring. Under the musical direction of Mr. Peter Barley, the choir is…
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St Mary’s Dominican Church Choir

St Mary’s Church Choir sing at mass every Sunday, at the Dominican Church in Cork. Their conductor is Séan Lehane and he has been with the choir since 1991. They have performed many times on RTÉ television, and sung with many soloists, including the late…
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St Patricks Chamber Choir

Our Chamber Choir is a group of dedicated and passionate women who have come together to create beautiful music for our church community. With a focus on exquisite sacred music, our performances aim to uplift spirits and inspire all who listen.
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St Vincent's Convent Primary School Choir

Music has been synonymous with St. Vincent’s Convent Primary School since the early 1930s when the records show the existence of not one, but two school orchestras! In keeping with that tradition, children are taught to play the recorder and singing is woven into daily…
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Coro della scuola elementare della Cattedrale di San Patrizio

La St. Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School è una scuola secondaria mista e volontaria con sede nel cuore del centro di Dublino. È la scuola secondaria più antica d'Irlanda, essendo stata fondata nel 1547, e gode ancora di ottimi collegamenti con la stessa Cattedrale di San Patrizio. Attualmente ci sono…
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Stockholms Musikgymnasium Youth Choir

The different choirs of Stockholms Musikgymnasium (Upper Secondary School of Music) play a prominent part in the musical life of Stockholm, Sweden, and are involved in projects with production companies, “Rikskonserter” and the Swedish Radio. International contacts have resulted in concert tours to among other…
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Note sul tratto

The Stroke Notes Choir was formed in 2015 by Patricia Kelleher. Bernadette Kiely took over the baton in 2022. The choir perform at Masses, concerts, and events held by the Stroke Support Centre . They have performed at the Stroke Conference held in the Radisson…
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Cantanti della domenica mattina

The Sunday Morning Singers were founded in 2017 initially by past students and family members of Cashel Community School, Cashel Co Tipperary. Under their Choral Director Helen Colbert, the choir has enjoyed success at the AIMS Choral Festival New Ross where they were awarded choir…
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Suzzie Vango

Passionate about the arts and choral education, Suzzie’s high-energy workshops and dynamic choral programmes have gained her an international reputation, working with singers of all ages. In demand as a soprano, choral director and vocal coach, she directs and sings with the critically acclaimed female…
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Syng Selected

Syng Selected is a modern a cappella choir consisting of 31 of Denmark’s most talented young choir singers between the ages of 18-30 years. Syng Selected was founded by the Danish Youth Choral Association SYNG in 2014, and since then, it has become an established…
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Take Note

“Take Note” choir is based in Lismore, Co. Waterford. Originally formed in 2018, their repertoire consists of original choral arrangements (by MD Mark Lyndon) of popular songs ranging from The Eagles to Oasis. They have performed in venues such as “The Lismore Heritage Theatre” and…
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Il Gruppo Corale Carrigaline

The Carrigaline Choral Group formed in 2009. They have competed in many National Competitions including Cork Choral AIMS New Ross Kilkenny & Arklow to name but a few. They have also traveled abroad to sing in The Royal Albert Hall UK Italy Austria Germany &…
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I cantanti Carrigaline

The Carrigaline Singers was formed 55 years ago and was originally an all ladies Choir and over the years developed into a mixed voice choir.The group has taken part in many events and concerts both home and abroad and has travelled extensively, taking part in…
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Coro di voci maschili della città di Cork

The City of Cork Male Voice Choir was founded in 1968 with a vast history in its 55 years. The choir is renowned for its versality and dedication to performing many genres of music. The choir's musical history includes many competitive successes in local and…
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Il coro dei cancellieri della chiesa collegiata di Santa Maria

Il College of Clerks Choral di Youghal è un'antica istituzione, fondata nel 1464 da Thomas FitzGerald, conte di Desmond. Il Collegio originariamente era composto da otto borsisti e otto impiegati di canto - una fondazione corale che è stata sciolta e ripristinata più volte...
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The Guinness Choir

The Guinness Choir was established in 1951 by Victor Leeson, who was a youngmember on the management staff of the Guinness Brewery in Dublin. The membersof the Choir were also Guinness employees. The Choir gave its first performance inMay 1951 and has been at the…
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The Highfield Rugby Club Choir

Our Choir was formed in 2019 but had to disband for Covid. We reformed in 2022. Siun Daly hasbeen our conductor since 2023. We sing both contemporary and traditional choir music. We are afun Choir who sings for pleasure. We sing for charity and we…
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The Isobars (Met Éireann)

The Met Éireann choir, ‘The Isobars’ was founded in early 2017 and is based at Met Éireann HQ in Glasnevin, Dublin. The choir is made up of staff from all over the organisation; from areas such asforecasting, hydrology, observations and research. Choir members are a…
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The Kill Singers

The Kill Singers was founded in 1993, as a choral group within the Kill Musical and Dramatic Society based in Co. Kildare. Under the direction of Emer Hartnett, the choir has competed in and won at most of the Irish Choral Festivals. They have also…
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I cantori di Marina

The Marina Singers are an all female choir led by Ailbhe. Our repertoire covers various genres andyears. One of our favourites is Sitting on the dock of the Bay.
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The Musgrave Workplace Choir

The Musgrave Workplace Choir has been together for many years, mainly at Christmas raising funds for local charities. It has become a Musgrave Christmas tradition that all colleagues look forward to every year. The choir is open to all colleagues in Cork and some members…
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I Polifonici

Established in 1980 The Polyphonics Male Barbershop Chorus has been a strong force in a capella music for over 4 decades. They are Ireland’s longest established barbershop chorus and have been members of Irish Association of Barbershop Singers (IABS) since it was formed in 1988.…
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Le voci

Killeagh choir " The Voices ", a female group based in Killeagh Co.Cork are part of the SATB Killeagh Choir which was formed 24 years ago. They have travelled extensively both at home and abroad during the past 20 years with great success and have…
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I cantanti di Wilcollane

I Wilcollane Singers sono un coro femminile formato nel gennaio 1989 sotto la direzione di Anne Dunphy. Fin dalla sua fondazione il coro ha intrapreso numerose esibizioni e si è distinto nella maggior parte dei principali festival e concorsi corali in Irlanda, Regno Unito...
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Thérèse O'Sullivan

Thérèse works as a choreographer, dance teacher and performer.She trained at Bird College, London and received her danceteaching qualifications from the Imperial Society of Teachers ofDancing. Thérèse has taught Dance and Musical Theatre in manycolleges, stage schools and studios in London, Ireland and Dubaiand currently…
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Trinity College Singers

Trinity College Singers were established in 1948 as a mixed voice chamber choir for Trinity College Dublin. Through the decades the group has evolved into a larger ensemble. They enjoy singing unaccompanied repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Alongside performances for the…
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Cantanti dell'UCC

UCC Singers is the competitive sub choir of University College Cork’s Choral Society. Formed in September 2014 and conducted by Ben Jacob, UCC Singers is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. We rehearse every Wednesday performing a wide variety of music from contemporary, classics and…
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Coro dell'Unione

Union Choir was founded in 2019 by Tom Doyle to create a choral experience in MTU Cork School of Music for singers interested in Musical Theatre repertoire. The choir has grown steadily since its inception; made up of amateur singers, the choir seeks to provide…
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Urdaibai Kantagunea

In the Basque Country, there is a tradition of singing that is deeply rooted in the Basque people. This means that, in a country of 2.5 million people, there are numerous singing groups of various styles. There are more than 200 traditional choral groups, and…
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Scuola Secondaria delle Orsoline, Thurles

The Ursuline Singers was formed 19 years ago in November 2006. It is comprised of 41 students, divided into four parts. The Choir’s repertoire is predominantly unaccompanied and includes Jazz, Gospel Classical, Irish, Latin American & Medieval Music. The choir participates in all of the…
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Valley Voices

Valley Voices was formed in 2020, an acupella male voice choir conducted by Antoinette Baker.We perform at numerous fundraising concerts during the year, as well as the occasional weddings and funerals.We practice on a Tuesday night in Bandon Methodist Church and are always on the…
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Varie Voci

Various Voices is a small, mixed voice A Capella singing group from Mallow, Co. Cork formed in 2016. We have performed at venues venues throughout North Cork including St James’ Church Mallow, Culturlann Newmarket and The Atrium Cork Choral Festival. We perform a wide range…
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Viva voce

Viva Voce was established in September 2003 under its Musical Director, Bernadette Kiely. The choir has won awards at Festivals including Limerick Choir Festival; the Feis Maitiu, Cork; twice winners of the trophy for Irish Contemporary Music at the Cork International Choral Festival and  winners…
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Vocal Arya

Vocal Arya Choir was founded in March 2015 in Aydın, Turkey. Since its establishment, the choir has participated in many concerts, festivals, and social responsibility projects. It has performed at the Istanbul Sansev International Choir Festival as well as the 3rd and 4th Izmir International…
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Voce Chamber Choir

Voce is a vibrant and dynamic London chamber choir, founded in 2003 by Suzi Digby and Harry Briggs. The choir has become known and loved for polished performances of challenging repertoire across the musical spectrum. Voce has enjoyed many varied and unforgettable choral experiences over…
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Voices International

Voices International (VI) is a vibrant SATB choir based in Luxembourg. Since its founding in 1997, VI has grown into a diverse community of 150 members representing 45 nations. Open to adults from all musical backgrounds, the choir unites singers through their shared love of…
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Voices of Peace

The Voices of Peace Choir was founded in October 2023. Participants are Children and Young People from the Ukrainian Community in Cork, both those of Ukrainian descent and those who arrived in Cork since 2022.The choir have performed regularly in Cork City and beyond since…
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Voices of the Boyne

Voices of the Boyne are a female community choir based in Drogheda, Co. Louth. Established in 2018 with Claire Grogan as conductor, they enjoy a varied repertoire of music. With an ethos of inclusivity, the choir aims to promote positive mental health and build friendships…
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Wesley College Dublin Gospel Choir

Wesley College is a co-educational day and boarding school in South Dublin with a rich history and culture of music. There are a number of choirs and events for students to get involved in throughout the school year, including the Wesley Interschools Music Festival where…
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Wesley College Girls Choir

Wesley College Dublin has a rich heritage and love for music. There are many choirs and musical groups within the school as well as an Interschools Music Festival which the school runs each year. Wesley College Girls Choir is made up of three parts: first…
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Zarautz Abesbatza

It was created in 1983 under the direction of Joakin Iruretagoiena. In 1996, Jaione Eskudero was appointed conductor. Over the years, the choir has given numerous concerts in the Basque Country and abroad, in various provinces of Spain, Catalonia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, Argentina, the…
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