Cór Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Cailíní


Cór Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Cailíní is directed by Maeve-Ann O’Brien and consists of girls from 3rd to 6th class .There is a long history of choral singing in the school in Bishopstown. The choir performs a wide variety of repertoire and has achieved great success in the past 13 years, winning the Primary Schools section of the Cork International Choral Festival on many occasions, most recently in 2024. They also had victories in Feis Maitiú and at the AIMS Choral Festival in Wexford.
In February 2024 the choir performed in Cork Opera House as part of The Three Tenors Concert. In November 2024 the sang in the Musical Miscellany at the Freemason’s Hall and again in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral as part of the Christmas Winter Gala.

Диригент: Мейв-Енн О'Браєн

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Cór Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Cailíní